Michael Bobak

Knowledge-Engineer / Research-Programmer


Research-Programmer starting with (bio)physical-science simulation, adding AI study and years of Knowledge-Engineering work as well (edu/gov/com).

Focus on Knowledge-Based aids, for process improvement to teaching. AI: Knowledge-Representation and Reasoning, Rules, Kn-Acq, NLP, ML, ...

Skills & Expertise

Artificial Intelligence
Adaptive Systems
Business Rules
Conceptual Modeling
Data Mining
Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Systems
Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge-based Systems
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Understanding
Ontology Engineering
Semantic Web
Causal Inference
Composite Applications
Computational Intelligence
Controlled Vocabularies
Data Analysis
Decision Modeling
Expert Systems
Information Access
Information Extraction
Information Retrieval
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Knowledge Representation
Logic Programming
Mathematical Logic
Mathematical Programming
Ontology Development
Rules Engines
Semantic Search
Semantic Technologies
Taxonomy Development
Text Classification
Scientific Software
Scientific Computing
Scientific Visualization
Computational Mathematics
Computational Biology
Cloud Computing
Dynamic Languages
Common Lisp
other Languages

Work Experience

AlohaHealth remote

Sr Knowledge-Engineer


Advising early stage startup built on the topic of my ucsf research. Semantic search for clinical trials.

Freelance San-Francisco, CA


Jul 2018

- Working as an ontologist for osthus.com on aligning bio/pharma ontologies to BFO to annotate masses of data in HDF5 files, for the allotrope.org
- Worked with IDEO on their systems integration issues that could be aided by Knowledge-Graph for information refinement and cleanup
- Worked with the Siemens Web of Things research group on use of SemWeb+IoT for adaptable manufacturing
- Advised with a variety of start-ups in understanding AI tech, including:
  - Fashion start-up that would track unstructured blog info to surface trends
  - Sports startup thewhytehousegroup.com needed dbpedia search ability
  - Chatbot in work context
- Developed ideas to take my UCSF research and fuse it with the Patient Data Mining Cluster that was developed by the UCSF Head of Research Computing and a PhD student, which has now been submitted for a patent
- Worked with UCSF in Psychology Department understand how to apply NLP and graph relation insights into an app they developed called Prime, which has been designed for schizophrenic young adults, with application to depression management as well
- Continued to build skills around ML, Semantic-Web/Linked-Data, and Knowledge-Engineering:
  - Coursera courses: Data Analysis, Data Science (with distinction), Machine Learning (with distinction), Discrete Optimization (audit)
  - openHPI courses: Semantic Web, Knowledge Engineering, Kn Eng w/Semantic Web technology, LinkedDataEng
  - Stanford courses: Design Thinking

ApolloGrp.edu San-Francisco, CA

Architect , Adaptive Learning Platform

Conceptually annotate study material & tests for automated remediation, instrument classroom to learn from use [Hadoop, Lisp, KM]

UCSF.edu San-Francisco, CA

Programmar/Analyst III

Medical-Informatics research (relating to clinical-trails) in Lisp/KM, and Natural-Language-Processing in Java/etc; paper with Stanford group; ontology dev/use [Lisp, KM, ..]

Freelance Chicago/Boston

Knowledge-Engineer/ Research-Programmer

mindbox.com 3/02-10/02. [used Art*Enterprise] See: Ocwen_Mindbox Worked up to half-time for cas.dis.anl.gov 5/03-5/04 [Java Simulation] Worked full-time 8/03-~05(verizon)labs.gte.com, Model-Based-Diagnosis on a national scale. [Art *Enterprise] See: aaai.org/Papers/IAAI/1996/IAAI96-287.pdf Bioinformatics/control contract 11/04-12/05 [CLIPS&Protege.stanford.edu/Java/DB] Control of perfusion pumps on light microscope sample, monitoring incl. Machine-vision, Bio-ontology/reasoning/Kn-mngt for the experiment setup. & Grant proposal work. Worked for CME.com 2/06-06/06 (re)organizing trade-data validation code. [CLIPS/Jess] Signal-Processing/Machine-Learning (startup) 06/06-[Lisp/etc] Hospital Informatics/Machine-Learning ghx.com 02/07-05/07-[Lisp], MachineLearning speedup for financial-scientific [Lisp]

kbs.ai.UIUC.edu Urbana, IL

(Senior) Research Programmer (Knowledge Based Systems Lab)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL Organize many levels of a very large knowledge based simulation projects. Brought over 18 programmers together to deliver a coherent product. Ran weekly (sub)group meetings, down to help solving any problem. Hiring, demo, design, install trips, prototyping to lead project direction. Taught group of 6 how to use a Rule-Based-shell for a reasoner-rewrite in Art*Enterprise. Projects included: Simulation-based, Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) & Real-Time control system. Being used in classroom, real life testing, presented at IAAI99 'Automated Instructor Assistant for Ship Damage Control' The system teaches Navy officers how to save a simulated ship in crisis. A variant was developed to catch real-time crisis conditions and suggest solutions www.dwilkins.org/members.htm

Brightware out of Chicago, IL


Helped develop and install their very first product (Intelligent email reply). Worked between development and consulting. Helped on several Knowledge-Based business applications. Helped with several deployed Knowledge-Based business applications (ie. financial: mortgage, web based job finder). [Art*Enterprise]See: http://www.brightware.com/eservice_solutions/ More recently I worked 1/2year for the new version of the company: Mindbox.

Argonne National Lab Argonne, IL

Software Engineer (EAD then DIS groups)

Wrote fielded Expert System by myself at the end of grad-school. [in Lisp rule-shell then CLIPS] Prototyped communication & control of distributed simulation. [in CLIPS PVM etc] Agent wrapping of simulations with CLIPS+PVM, to describe then mix and match them. Also used C++/Smalltalk/FORTRAN with PVM; Other work as needed. Algo/Viz/Etc. Written up in a book about innovative distributed object application. See: http://www.dis.anl.gov/DEEM HLAsim http://www.dis.anl.gov/DEEM/DIAS mike.bobak.googlepages.com/diaswp.pdf _More recently I worked part-time for the new subgroup of dis: cas.dis.anl.gov.

UIUC.edu Urbana, IL

Graduate Research Assistant /Research Programmer

Wrote molecular graphics package used in classes & for publications. [in C] Used machine-learning techniques for protein structure prediction.
Wrote thesis on Knowledge-Based Simulation Environment. [Lisp/OPS5/C] Overseen by heads of the NCSA CompBio group and head of Biophysics at the time. see: web.bilkent.edu.tr/ncsa/Apps/CBdir.html

Shearson Lehman Hutton London, England

Programmer (Research Computing)

Maintained financial databases & daily report information. Organized worldwide mailing system. Wrote statistics code for stock predictions. [MUMPS and Maths-package]

US Army Corp. of Eng. Research Lab Champaign, IL

Research Programmer (Modeling then Acoustics teams)

Provided research support from start to finish. [FORTRAN] Wrote and ran computer simulation code, compared output with field data. Did field measurements to back up predictions. (Team/Self; Local/US/World-wide) My work went into several published papers. GRASS: grass.fbk.eu


University of Ilinois, Urbana-Champaign

MS Biophysics & Computational Biology with AI, 1990-93

BS Physics, BS Biophysics, 1983-88, dept. distinction

Professional Organizations:

Programming Languages/...:

19+ years overall

Object Orientated
[14+ years]

Rule-Based KnRep&
: [10+ years]:




C(6+ years) FORTRAN(6+ yrs)

Smalltalk (~1 yr) C++(1+yr)

OPS5, Prolog, GoldWorks(<1yr)

Viz: OpenGL(3+ yrs)


NeXTSTEP, MS(NT..XP) (8+ yrs)

Scheme (~1 yr) MUMPS (1/2yr)..

Python(5+yrs), Java/Scala (1+ yr)


HPC: PVM (1+yr)

PostgreSQL, ORDB

UNIX (18+ years), incl.GNULinux

Lisp (7+yrs of CL 10+yrs of others)

CLOS [CL -Object-System]

Knowledge-Machine(3+years), JESS(1 yr), Protege(6+yrs)

WS:Tomcat/Axis SOAP/REST

Graph&triple persistance
&other NoSQL

OS-X.Darwin(10+ years)

Also html and as a pdf latest-talk . . . .